Sunday, October 2, 2011

The Week in Review: What Have I Learned?

When recovering from a head injury, a doctor's Rx may include being a couch potato until released for was my prescription. I spent the week blessed with short visits from friends, meal deliveries, phone and text inquiries...and still trying to make sure I made the girls' lunches before they headed out to school amidst my headaches, dizziness, nausea and weariness. Somewhere in between, I was to be a couch potato.
Leading up to September 24th, I had a lot of anxiety about many things. Some of which were monetary concerns....
  • My car needed an oil change and a likely diagnosis for arm and rocker replacement of the serpentine belt. I was RIDDLED with the anxiety of getting it into the mechanic. 
  • Daddy needed a new tire from the flat he got the week before.
  • My new windows phone doesn't work properly and my 30 days to return it was almost up!
  • We were headed to a long weekend in NJ for a wedding, visit with family and to Carlos Bakery.
  • I had a NAHU conference to attend in hopes of networking to secure a new job.
  • I was bummed over an employment rejection letter I received last week.
  • I was on the fence about running the Empire Marathon and packing in the miles to train.
  • I was also struggling with when I could stop treating my house like it was a quarantine for lice care (since we had the critters in the house 5 weeks prior)
God whispered to my heart this week as I rested. "YOU, my child, are loved. Be STILL and KNOW that I am God." He blew kisses that settled my wrestling heart. "I will take care of you," He said.
  • First and foremost, as the bridegroom loves His bride (Christ and the church), my husband laid down his life for the recovery and health of his bride. My daughters followed suit.
  • God placed friends ALL around me to help care for me. I wish I could list who did what, but including the well wishes, I'd run out of room. Let me just say, my YMCA family ROCKS.
  • I prayed for recovery and return to "normal". I am well on my way.
  • I got a few more days in annoyed by my phone and will make it to the store just in time to beg for a better deal.
  • I had to reschedule my car repair (and be at peace with it!), daddy had to just GET a tire, and we got to save some money by cancelling our Jersey trip (sad as we are to miss all the goings on).
  • There is NO WAY I could get networking with a messed up face and half a brain, so maybe God still wants me home with my babies and wants me to continue loving my part time involvement with my Y?
  • Packing on the last 10 miles for marathon training now? Not possible, nor safe.
  • Lastly, I have given in and put blankets on the beds, stopped vacuuming every day and doing laundry every morning. I paw through my children's hair each day. I finally snuggle with my girls, unafraid of their hair. (LICE is so stinkin scarey!!)
  • Realistically, I cannot train for anymore races until next season. I am ok with that.
All week, I realized how "out of my hands", my fleeting life is. When I open up my palms to the heavens and release what is not mine to worry about, God places in them His peace that passes all understanding. He reminds me that HE is in my corner and never forsakes me. He may let me fall, if only for a few seconds, just to catch me and remind me that He is still God.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Pounding the Pavement-With a Twist.

2 days after the crash
....Sitting here thinking of where to start, my mind is drawn to February 2011 when I was out bike shopping with fellow triathlete and friend Kelly at Geneva Bike. When I found my new tri bike, a GIANT ARYN, it was a perfect fit, and coupled with a "trained engine", I had no idea it would move me through my 2011 tri races at lightening speeds. I hadn't set out to be the best, but I wanted to beat myself-and since I can't chase myself, I needed to find someone I COULD chase, one whom I knew to be the fastest....which in essence, made me aspire to be faster than I thought I could be. I am forever chasing Kelly....she knows I am always chasing her, which is probably why she invited me to join her this past weekend.
While I am done with tri season training, I joined my Trimommy friend Saturday on a long training ride for an upcoming race she was participating in. I kept up with her, but she was having a super strong day! It was a great and powerful ride until the crash. Yeah, the CRASH. And as always, Kelly went before me! We gave new meaning to the term "pounding the pavement".
There was a motorist who wanted to beat us to an intersection and turn in front of us, so to avoid collision with a motor vehicle, Kelly braked and cartwheeled still clipped in, and I followed suit. At least, I think. I actually unclipped before the collision, but blacked out right after unclipping. Digging deep in my memory, all I can recall is the sound of sirens awakening my senses. After providing my beloved's phone number to a bystander who called him on my behalf, I was whisked into the care of the arriving paramedics. I was in the ambulance answering questions of others when the only question I had was "WHERE did the motorist go who cut us off-or did we get hit?" No one, even 5 days later, has a solid answer.
The ER ran a CT Scan and checked me before releasing me into the care of BJ (my beloved) and beautiful daughters, Mariah and Hope. I cannot recall ever, being so happy to see any of them.
Our lives had been spared, but not without incident. For the past 4 days I have endured road rash on my entire left side of my face, a black eye, persistent dizziness and nausea from a concussion...all of which are now beginning to fade.
Kelly's stitches in her face were removed today, but she dons a sling on the arm she makes music with: she's a professional flutist.
I have also endured endless blessing. My husband has laid down his everyday life for me and my children greet me each morning with a smile and a kiss and a "Oh Mommy, your face is looking better today...." Every day I have a new friend who checks in on me, brings my family a meal or treat, or encourages me with edification straight from the heart of God. Each blessing is tied by a heartstrings from God to me. HE knows JUST what I need and when-only God could know just what my heart NEEDS.
I have begun to evaluate what I am going to do when my body is well enough to get back to work-kickboxing, cycling, running, ...lifting. I know listening to my body and its clear messages will be the catalyst for success or failure of my fragile but strong temple. I know that many are watching to see that I practice what I preach.
The message that I want to be seen and heard the loudest though, is that my God, is an awesome God and in my weakness, He is my strength. He cares for my well being and those whose lives I touch around me. What a great responsibility to bear the name of Christ, and O what a privilege. For it was HIS grace that went before Kelly and I that day.
This is where my journey as you know it, BEGINS.